This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for users to fix their own devices, even if they have the necessary technical knowledge. As a result, many people are forced to pay high fees to have their devices repaired by the manufacturer or an authorized service center. This not only adds to the cost of ownership, but also contributes to the growing problem of electronic waste, as people are more likely to replace their devices instead of repairing them. Some companies have tried solving this issue by making modular products where most of the parts are swappable. This ensures that users can easily replace any faulty parts, or even upgrade them without having to replace the entire device. Modular design also allows for more efficient repairs, as users can quickly swap out faulty parts without having to disassemble the entire device. In addition, modular design reduces the need for specialized tools and training, as most repairs can be performed with common tools.  Although most of these attempts have failed, for example Google’s Project Ara. And a few successful examples like Framework, which sells highly configurable laptops, are still very niche.  Even Dell seems to be playing around the idea of a fully repairable laptop, with the company showcasing Concept Luna in 2021. Essentially a proof-of-concept, with Dell further researching the modular aspect. 

How Far is The Concept Luna Laptop?

Well, Concept Luna, as the name implies, is still a concept. There is no clarity if Dell is even going to release such a device. But yes, the company seems to have made some progress with the second revision of Concept Luna.  

We’ve reduced the number of screws needed to access internal components for repair or reuse from hundreds to just four – reducing time for repairs (to disassemble, repair and reassemble key components) by approximately 1.5 hours.5The palmrest assembly is intentionally designed for ease of repair and reuse. The keyboard mechanisms provide clean, easy separation from other components and simplify recycling.The advanced deep-cycle cell battery provides a long charge that can be maintained across many years of use, increasing refurbishment and reuse beyond the first product life it services.A new bio-based printed circuit board (PCB) is made with flax fiber in the base and water-soluble polymer as the glue. What’s noteworthy here is that the flax fiber replaces traditional plastic laminates. And even better, the water-soluble polymer can dissolve – meaning recyclers can more easily separate metals and components from the boards.

Dell has eliminated the need for adhesives and cables, and even uses fewer screws in the updated design. A more accessible design allows for more efficient repairs and expands opportunities for reuse. These improvements could have a significant impact on the repairability and sustainability of consumer electronics. A major goal of Concept Luna is also to simplify the factory assembly process. With intelligent internal telemetry and fully swappable components, even automated robots will be able to conduct repairs and manufacture these devices at scale.  – Dell  You can read more about Concept Luna, here. 

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