But that was not it; the conference call afterward with Take-Two’s CEO, Strauss Zelnick, CFO Lainie Goldstein, President Karl Slatoff, and Nicole Stevens-Senior Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate, revealed many interesting insights about the company’s financials and IP’s. There was also extensive discussion on the company’s recently acquired studio Zynga and its performance in the mobile gaming division.  Well, even that wasn’t the most exciting part; the real deal started when the questions and answers session began with the company’s CEO and other officials. And as reported by Tech4Gamers, when Strauss Zelnick was asked about releasing their future games with subscription services like Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus, he clearly said that the company has no plans yet to implement a subscription model for their games.  However, Strauss answered this question very thoroughly, and first, he explained their relationship with companies like Microsoft and Sony, who are behind significant subscription services, Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Plus.  This statement could be referring to the time when the majority of the Grand Theft Auto games, if not all, were available on Xbox Game Pass, and even the Red Dead Redemption series was there. Not only that, you can still find the GTA Vice City Definitive Edition on PlayStation Plus. Further, he explained why the subscription model will not work best with their games as, according to him, their games are in the interactive genre of entertainment and how interactive games distinguish themselves from linear entertainment. After giving a clear answer ‘no’ plans as of yet to bring their future games day one on subscription services, Strauss Zelnick explained what type of games works for the subscription services and what audience these services target. And within that consumption, there are far fewer titles consumed in interactive entertainment than there are with linear entertainment. I think the answer is no, to offer frontline titles day and day with titles on a subscription service. I don’t think that ever made sense.” So, Strauss pretty much made it crystal clear that no future Take Two games will be on the subscription services. He made his point very clear and presented a solid argument regarding why they can’t implement a subscription model in their distribution methods.  What are your thoughts about Take-Two’s stance regarding subscription services? Are you comfortable with this decision and happy to buy full games separately? Let us know in the comment section below.