— Majin Bu (@MajinBuOfficial) August 30, 2022 Now, according to Twitter user Majin Bu, sharing information from an unnamed source, stated that Apple is working on Project Irvine, which is the evolution of Stage Manager. Moreover according to him, the evolved Stage Manager will ship with iPadOS 17.  Sadly, as good as a feature Store Manager is, there are two big drawbacks at this point. One being that as of now the feature is exclusive to M1 iPads, and that other that the experience itself is very buggy and inconsistent. Apple did explain why that was the case with the statement above, but limiting it to the M1 iPads leaves out a lot of recent powerful devices out, including the 2018 iPad pro, which should be capable of running Stage Manager. Hopefully with the rumored Stage Manager evolution coming with iPadOS 17, Apple will rework some of that software to enable it for older devices. As for the bugs, Apple is still working on those. Mark Gurman, from Bloomberg even reported recently that Apple will likely delay the iPadOS 16 release by a month. It is speculated that the delay is mostly due to ongoing problems with Stage Manager. 

As much as I love using 3-4 apps at once, the implementation just isn’t there yet. Crashes every few minutes; hard to use multi-window for the same app; UI glitches everywhere. I hope Apple delays this. — Federico Viticci (@viticci) August 18, 2022 Read More: After Google, Apple Most Likely to Face Antitrust Suit from the US Department of Justice